Thursday, August 25, 2011

प्रथम जैबिक ऊर्जा राष्ट्रीय सम्मलेन सम्बन्धी अखबारका समाचारहरु

राष्ट्रिय जैविक ऊर्जा सम्मेलन सुरु गोरखापत्र समाचारदाता

ललितपुर, भदौ ७ गते । नेपाल विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठान नास्ट)को आयोजनामा जैविक ऊर्जा प्रबर्द्धनका लागि नेपालमा पहिलोपटक 'राष्ट्रिय जैविक ऊर्जा सम्मेलन' बुधबारदेखि सुरु भएको छ ।

नास्टको प्रमुख आयोजना तथा वैकल्पिक ऊर्जा प्रबर्द्धन, विश्व वन्यजन्तु कोष र प्राक्टिकल एक्सन नेपाल सहआयोजक रहेको सो दुईदिने सम्मेलनमा जैविक ऊर्जाको प्रबर्द्धन तथा प्रविधिको विकासका साथै सरोकारवाला निकायको ध्यानाकर्षण गर्ने बताइएको छ ।

उक्त सम्मेलनमा ८० भन्दा बढी विज्ञ, प्राज्ञ, अनुसन्धानकर्ता, विद्यार्थीहरूको सहभागिता रहेको छ भने करिब २२ वटा कार्यपत्र प्रस्तुत हुने कार्यक्रम रहेको आयोजकले जानकारी दिएको छ ।

विज्ञान तथा प्रविधिमन्त्री लेखराज भट्टले सजीवनको तेल राखिएको बत्ती बालेर जैविक ऊर्जा सम्मेलनको उद्घाटन गर्नुभयो । उहाूले विज्ञहरूको उचित धक्काले मात्र नीतिनिर्माता तथा सरोकारवालालाई विज्ञान प्रविधिको विकासका लागि सोच्न बाध्य पार्ने बताउनुभयो ।

मन्त्री भट्टले मुलुकलाई ऊर्जामा आत्मनिर्भर कसरी बनाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने कुरा चुनौतीका रूपमा देखिएकाले नवकरणीय ऊर्जा तथा जैविक ऊर्जामा अध्ययन अनुसन्धान तथा लगानी बढाउनुपर्ने धारणा व्यक्त गर्नुभयो । उहाूले राजनीतिक दलका नेताहरूलाई विज्ञान प्रविधिका विषयका बारेमा धेरै थोरै मात्र ज्ञान हुने भएकाले विज्ञहरूले अध्ययन अनुसन्धानका अलावा नेताहरूलाई विज्ञान प्रविधिका बारेमा जानकारी दिन आग्रह गर्नुभयो ।

नास्टका उपकुलपति सुरेन्द्रराज काफ्लेले सम्मेलनमा जैविक इन्धन उत्पादनको आवश्यकता, प्रयोग र प्रविधिको विषयमा विज्ञहरूबीच छलफल हुने र सो छलफलले नीतिनिर्माताका लागिसमेत उपयोगी हुने विश्वास व्यक्त गर्नुभयो । उहाूले नास्टमा चालु आर्थिक वर्षभित्र जैविक इन्धन गुणस्तर मापनप्रणाली स्थापना गर्न लागेको बताउनुभयो ।

नास्टका सचिव डा. प्रकाशचन्द्र अधिकारीले हाल जैविक इन्धन तथा नवकरणीय ऊर्जाको लागि बनेका नीतिनियमहरू समयानुकूल परिमार्जन गर्नुपर्ने भन्दै प्रयोगकर्ता, अनुसन्धानलाई प्रोत्साहन दिनुपर्ने बताउनुभयो ।

नास्टका वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक डा. रविन्द्रप्रसाद ढकालले सम्मेलनको उद्घाटन सत्रमा जैविक ऊर्जाको विषयमा कार्यपत्र प्रस्तुत गर्नुभएको थियो । उहाूले अबको युग हरित युग भएकाले जैविक इन्धनको विकास तथा प्रबर्द्धनका लागि सरकारले उचित ध्यान दिनुपर्नेमा जोड दिनुभयो । विश्वमा प्रयोग हुने ऊर्जामध्ये करिब १५ प्रतिशत ऊर्जा जैविक ऊर्जा हुने गरेको डा. ढकालले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।

First national bio-energy conference

Posted by FNN on Aug 25th, 2011 and filed under English Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Lalitpur: The first national bio-energy conference aimed at finalizing the future strategy following deliberations on the nationwide efforts to promote bio-gas and bio-diesel across the country began here today.

Some 80 people working in the bio-energy policy, technology and promotion sector are taking part in the two-day conference organized by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) with support from the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, World Wildlife Fund and other organizations.

Altogether 22 working papers on bio-fuel, bio-diesel, bio-gas and converting solid waste into energy are to be presented by experts at the conference. Ten working papers were presented on the first day of the conference.

Inaugurating the conference, Minister for Science and Technology, Lekhraj Bhatta said the experts concerned should work towards making use of solid waste in the form of alternative energy, and also aware the political leadership to develop necessary policy in this regard.

Secretary at the Ministry of Science and Technology, Tana Gautam, Secretary at the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Krishna Gyawali and Vice-chancellor of NAST, Prof। Dr Surendra Raj Kafley shed light on the importance of alternative energy and the need to promote it.


The Rising Nepal:

Recent News
Experts see greater scope to utilise solid waste for bio-fuel
By Manjima Dhakal

Kathmandu, Aug. 23, Bio-energy experts have been encouraged to see more people becoming aware to utilize the solid waste for bio-energy like generating bio-fuel and bio-gas in the recent years.

The National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Tribhuvan University (TU) and Kathmandu University (KU) and other orgaisations have been working in bio-energy sector.

The government has also been allocating budget every year to conduct researches and campaigns for the promotion of bio-energy.

The NAST is now working to produce bio-briquette energy from Eupatorium Abenothorum, widely known as banmara.

Likewise, the environment departments of the TU and KU have been carrying out researches in bio-energy sector, while 200 other organisations in Nepal are also working in the same sector.

However, the researches and other works have not been effective because of lack of a bio-energy policy at the national level.

According to the sources at the NAST, various international Non-Governmental organisations (INGO) were interested to generate the energy from the solid waste but they have been unable to do so as the issue on a global bidding for the rights to generate energy is still being discussed.

Dr. Rabindra Prasad Dhakal, Senior Technical Officer of NAST, said that the development of the bio-energy was impossible until the government introduced a bio-energy policy.

He said that Nepal’s interest to work in bio-energy production grew after witnessing the works being done in India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the USA, Brazil and South Africa. These countries have succeeded in generating massive amount of bio-energy.

Dhakal said that some steps were taken in the bio-energy sector in 1990 when India had imposed economic sanction in Nepal.

"However, they were not given continuity later," he said.

The NAST demanded that the government should bring out a special bio-fuel policy providing incentives for the farmers, who produce raw materials like Jatropha plant. The government should also make it mandatory for the Oil Corporation to buy certain per cent of bio fuel and other local products.

If a policy is introduced in favour of bio-energy, various bio-energy experts who are now working abroad in the lack of opportunities in home will return to Nepal, Dhakal said.

About 20 per cent fuel produced from such materials could be mixed in other fuel and can be used for various purposes.

Engineer Ganesh Shah, former Minister for Environment, Science and Technology, said that during his tenure he increased the subsidy for the development of bio-energy. But he failed to work enough for the sector as his tenure as a Minister was short.

The NAST is going to organize the first national conference on bio-energy from Wednesday to intensify discussions on bio-energy and biomass related issues, make aware all stakeholders and inspire all entrepreneurs, industries and individuals to utilize the unused sources of energy.

NAST hoped that the output of the conference will be useful in policy making.


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