Wednesday, October 17, 2012

पिएमसंगको बैज्ञानिकहरुको अन्तरक्रिया: सार सन्क्षेप

Interaction  program of Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai with Scientists and Technologists

In the context of successful completion of National conference on Science and Technology, delay of restructuring of Ministry of Science and Technology, interests on making positive steps ahead toward the development on Science and Technology, The Rt. hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Baburam Bhattarai has invited many scientists from different age group, field, and capacity including Universities, Academia, research Councils, NGOS and retired scientists in Baluwatar at 11th October, 2012. The participating Scientists were from Nepal Academy of Science and technology, Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University, and other organizations. It was open forum for the scientists to express their feeling, suggestions, and way forward for the development on research in S&T.

There was lively expression of Scientist to the Prime minister with high expectation for the transformation in S&T. The majority of the Scientists were from microbiology, plant science, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Technology, Agriculture and Medical Sciences. It is therefore representing mostly in their corresponding field, but there was also in holistic approach to address the existing plight of researcher involved in S&T.

Agenda wise, Majority of Scientists were spoken on making comfortable platform in the country for the transformation of the Institutions, scaling up of Institutions, human capacity building, catching up of emerging new field in S&T, strengthening human resources and infrastructure, urgent need for planning on S&T, preservation of traditional skill and Technology, focus on agriculture based research on S&T as far as possible, mitigate the crisis of energy and disseminate the science and popularize among the general public were the mostly spoken agendas.

Because of time constrain, these following scientists  has grabbed the chances to express their view as of following :

1. Dr. Bidur Upadhyaya(Chairman of Service commission, NAST):

The conference was successful and happy with positive note of PM that will give positive impact for the scientists. We have spent a lot of time on it but things like, rolling stone does go nowhere, we are standing in same position where we were before. On climate change, we haven’t work enough but we are following the foreigners, we are not taking lead on it. We do have no planning for S&T. economic revolution could be expected as of South Korea but we are being dragged far behind from our counterpart because low interests on S&T.

2. Dr. Dayananda Bajracharya( Ex. VC of NAST, retired Prof. in Botany Dept. TU):

Minister could not grasp the increased aspiration of all field in S&T, so I would like to requests PM take role to embraced increasing aspiration of Scientists. The PM need to form a advisory group covering all field of sciences and make coordinator to advise the PM making wide representation. We need to scale up science diplomacy in bilateral or multilateral dimensions in S&T. we are not only between economic giant but we are also in giant in S&T, we need to cash out these potential in our neighbor. Chinese Academy of Sciences, CSIR in India can absorb our aspiring scientists to get their PhD. The way we invest, we retain our scientist in similar proportion. We need to declare The Science Day. We expected PM commitment in his speech during the conferences, fifth and sixth. The resolution passed by the conferences should be considered for implementation. The resourceful Science Learning Center in the country sie is the most for popularizing the S&T.

3. Mr. Ganesh raut(Technologists):

We need to preserve the traditional skill and monuments citing Taleju Mandir and problem based technologists should work hard in the ground. We need to retain our scientific man power.

4. Dr. Hridaya Bajracharya:

Low population are studying S&T(13%) i9n higher education, out of them half of it are involved in natural sciences. We need to make national strategy for development of S&T and need to reform the existing policies on it for economical progress. Government needs to support Nepal Academy of Science and Technology and Universities which are needed to strengthen their capacity. Lab should be fully equipped and need to work on collaboration.

5. Dr. Rebati Man:

Research on agriculture should be connected to the life of farmers. Many research center dedicated to agriculture were either abundant or captured by the state for barracking, so need to hand over back to the research farms.

6. Mr. Ukesh Bhuju:

Science learning center should offer practical knowledge and life related information to the society rather than of only traditional natural Sciences. Human resources should be strengthen in all level, graduate, undergraduates and PhDs. Private should get involve for popularizing the science and making Science learning Center.

7. Dr. Rejina Maskey:

Jobless graduates need some platform to work, there is high demand of single umbrella that may be a NAST or any University to offer the platform for the voice of researcher.

8. Dr. Siddarth

Tourism sector could be lured by our natural biodiversities, need to be conserved and avoid poaching of any of it. Urban environmental restoration is also far behind like Bagmati river, having enough but with no progress.

9. Dr. Rameshwor Adhikary(Associate Professor, Chemistry, TU)

We need to have policy or strategy to support youngster for innovation and need to make clear policy whether we want import of technology or make in our own. There is no conducive environment for scientists to stay here to work for the nation, so government need to work hard for it. We need to make a renowned institution connected with national pride like Gehendra Samser institute, for instance. We need to give enough encouragement incentives and other service to the scientists to make them living here. We need to work for preservation and strengthening of agriculture, medicinal plants and natural heritages. Time has moved ahead so we need to think of making Materials Science hub in the country. We need to make the industry and academia work together in collaborative nature. Science should be for all.

10. Mr. Jeevan Shrestha:

He has focused on case study of biogas plant in urban area for business perspective.

11. Prof Narendra Chaudhary (Rampur Agriculture and Forestry University?):

We generate huge manpower in agriculture or animal Science but we lack research funds to engage and to keep intact these human resources in the research staying in Nepal. They shouldn’t be driven away because of low attention onto it.

12. Dr. Naya Sharma

There should be support on livelihood of researcher through incentive or other form of appreciation. We need to reduce the political maneuvering. Public should be guided by the scientists through address their demand. Research in small institution should also get attention and need to streamline.

13. Dr. Tilak Man Pariyar

There should be Rooster of Scientific Manpower.

14. Dr. Basant Pant (Neurosurgeon)

Health sector has different wheel and need to incorporate in an holistic approach so as to making it access to all. Insurance scheme is the most, there should be somehow. Government need to make a mechanism but public need to pay and get involve for compensated health service. Mid career Doctor are being ready to pay huge amount of money but reluctant to make second tier of them, but some sector are heavily needing them. We need to address these problems.

15. Dr. Samar Dixit

Can create the job in the country by outsourcing.

16. Mr. Mahabir Pun

Self sustained research centre can be made once government disburse 1.5 billion NRs as a loan to generate the electricity and later could be a company.

17. Dr. Shiva p Dhoubadel

Bishwobidhyalaya should be as of its name, need to create job and fame.

18. Dr. Tirtha Shrestha:

S& T should be for the people, with the people. Society based science education is the most. The escaping human resources are turning as a working muscle as they are not using their agricultural skill in Diasporas as they were grown with.

19. Prof. Dr. P. K. Jha(HOD, Botany, TU):

Educationa Institutions are highly intoxicated with politics, so all are suffered from. There are many sound supervisors in different field, if there is enough research fund then we can make many PhD here so that we could retain them. So, if you flow money for 200 PhDs that will give huge impact in the days to come.

20. Dr. Panna Thapa (Dean, Science, KU):

Policy reform is urgent, performance based compensation package is the most to boost up the scientists. Government should allocate seed money. NAST should be further strong, need to bid for international collaborator and become a bigger umbrella to support all S&T stakeholders. Research in energy should get high priority, and need to work in interdisciplinary.

21. Prof. Tribikram Bhattarai(HOD, Biotechnology, TU):

“Nepali are excellent in individual and worst in group” as said by American Professor. School texts are wrong in many instances, so need to approve by experts group before making it the textbook. Teaching and learning practices should be changed. Biotechnologist should be absorbed by the state.

22. Prof. Lok Narayan Jha( HOD, Physics)

Interaction with scientists itself is good and is a good start. Discussing in big forum couldn’t make any way-out, so need to talk individually field wise or in person wise, if necessary. Government need to make policy demanding no. of graduates. But, unfortunately, there is no single job created so far in government sector for Physicists. Need to welcome returnee with good policy.

23. Dr. Jagat Shrestha(NARC)

Need to commercialize the agriculture but they lack, fertilizer, hence need to have a plant. To mechanize the agriculture sector we need more agriculture engineer ahead.

24. Dr. Sangita Shrestha(NAST)

Seed conservation is ongoing and need to get support from the government and need to go ahead in genetic engineering.

25. Dr. Dil Bahadur Gurung(ED, NARC)

Qualified researcher need to have incentive and motivation. Agriculture needed more work on irrigation sector. Hydroelectricity should coordinate with fisheries, irrigation.

26. Dr. Ajay Dixit

Resolutions and conclusions are needed to be seriously considered. Positive attitude is the most. There is no message of S&T in popular media, hence, needed to popularize the science education in general public. And we also need to work together with Nepali people for their problem.

27. Prof. Dr. Jib Raj Pokhrel (Pulchowk, TU):

Uganda and China are lesson learning countries, which drive themselves through urban development. China highlighted on Defense, S&T Education, Industry and sports. Our histories are glorious, need to maintain the present too. No need to have another strong body likes NAST, but we should empower the NAST as its fame is already spread in around.

28. Dr. Basudev Pandey

All emerging and new disease should be identified and informed to the public. Designation should comply with skill.

29. Mr. Asutosh:

Master’s Degree thesis in competitive market is bad omen of education, should be rectified in any means. If existing scientists are not motivated, the future generation will be frustrated.

30. Dr. Govinda

New, unique and earthquake susceptible structure should be made and future research should be focused on to them.

31. Dr. Rabindra Prasad Dhakal (Senior Scientist, NAST)

(My personal Opinion to PM)

a. The curricula need to revise on focusing country’s resources and problem. Rigorous work has to be done on making curriculum in all level.

b. NAST role should be extended and need reach to the regional level, at least two other in coming fiscal year.

c. Researcher should get more academic freedom from bureaucratic hurdle.

d. Country need to consider opening many Research Center even inside the existing institution and academia.

e. To avoid the oil crisis in the country, Nepal should adopt biodiesel production policy and blended fuel compulsory. In our evaluation, we can convert this country into oil exporting country in 20 years time. For that, we can collect seed money on petroleum consumption and could make the basket fund buying seed to assure the farmers.

f. Energy commodities for cooking like biobriquette and manure like biochar could be produced in all village level, however, they need some motivation in the form of compensation or awareness campaign in the beginning.

Address of PM Dr. baburam Bhattarai

China and India in prehistoric time, Europe Lately developed because of their conviction on S&T, hence, we need to follow the suit. Interaction with all encyclopedia type brain makes me enlighten in all possible field. My interests and mind are divided and not concentrated on single field hence my understanding would be superficial but I agree as you have said in all sector which should be timely addressed otherwise it will be too late for the development of S&T and eventually nation. National conference has appealed me as many young and aspiring scientists were there, presented their views, but sorry for media which doesn’t glorify the picture rather gives deaf ear to its importance. This is because, general public doesn’t have scientific temperament, and hence, its popularization is the most. We need to work for both scientific research, complicated and simplified, but in general it should be people oriented research. I am fully agree on establishing Science Learning centre in the district level and declaring a special day for Science, you just put forward the wider consent, we will announce soon.

Our research should focus on grievances of people hence, agriculture, energy and need to get compensation. Privately funded innovation centre are supposed to offing soon, hence, need to be work for it and being ready to provide soft loan for interested parties. Hence, problem oriented research are to be welcomed and need to find corporate house supporting R&D.

NAST and NARC should be strengthen further and needed to work together also with Universities like, TU and KU. I thank the Returnee to work in such harsh environment.

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